Greetings from your new Program Head! I come to the position as someone who didn’t ski growing up, but now has two sons that ski in the BKL program as well as a husband that helps coach. I am excited to be more personally involved within the BKL community. So, while the skis are put away, the snow is gone (was it ever really here?), we are thinking about how to make our future skiing experiences even better…
Ford Sayre Community Members: Vote “YES” on Article Eight at the Hanover Election on May 10th or get an absentee ballot (see link below)
WHY is this important? Discussions are underway to enhance the cross country ski experience at Oak Hill. Included in these discussions is the addition of a ski lodge. Imagine being able to socialize with fellow skiers before and after practice in the comfort of a lodge. Imagine being able to bring a cold child inside to warm up by a fire. Imagine being able to watch technique videos with teammates. Imagine how our Ford Sayre and larger ski community could flourish with a gathering spot at the trails!
So Hanover voters, please vote “Yes” on Article Eight. And all Ford Sayre community members – Tell 10 Hanover friends to vote “Yes” too!!!
P.S. Here is the language that you will see on the ballot:
Article Eight: Amendment No. 7: Modify the definition of ‘Outdoor Recreation” At a public hearing held on March 1, 2016, the Hanover Planning Board voted to recommend that Town Meeting adopt this zoning amendment. This amendment changes the definition of “outdoor recreation” and makes it clear that buildings and structures associated with outdoor recreation are allowed as Special Exceptions and adds structures associated with Outdoor Recreation to the list of Special Exceptions in districts where Outdoor Recreation is an allowed use.
Absentee ballot:
Any questions, please feel free to contact me at or 802-649-8823.
Think snow (but please wait until November or December!).
-Jane Phipps