The Ford Sayre Nordic Club is for Upper Valley senior and master skiers. Most centrally, the club is focused on love of the sport and fostering a ski community for all ages and abilities, we also support racing and technique development.
Basic Club Membership – $75
Basic Club Membership is purchased once per year to cover insurance and administrative costs. It also includes communications, access to race wax and race support, discount to Ford Sayre’s Silver Fox Trot race, coached Saturday weight training sessions at the Thetford Academy weight room, Omer and Bob’s equipment discounts and annual fall ski night, and access to add-ons such as: discounted mobility sessions with Carly Wynn, “Social Ski” events, and ad hoc opportunities to train with others. Basic Membership is required in order to purchase Fall or Winter Session Training add-on packages.
Fall Session Training Add-On
- Two dryland practices per week with a dedicated coach. Dryland includes ski-specific work-outs ranging from fun and goofy (such as grass skiing), to aerobic and intensity (such as roller skiing and ski bounding), to strength and plyometrics (such as Spenst/explosive jumping). There may also be group runs with ski specific foot drills.
- Runs 8 weeks – October 27 to December 21
- Practices will be on Tuesday and Thursdays – Midday sessions will run 12:00 – 1:00, evening sessions will run 5:00 – 6:30
- Fees will be based on practice time selected. Cost listed is for 8 weeks at that day and time.
- Tuesday midday – $83
- Tuesday evening – $125
- Thursday midday – $83
- Thursday evening – $125
- Ex: If your schedule allows you to come on Tuesday midday and Thursday evening, your total fee for Fall Session Training would be $208 + Basic Club Membership

Winter Session Training Add-On
- Two on-snow practices per week with a dedicated coach at Oak Hill or Garipay
- Runs 12 weeks – December 22 to March 15
- Practices will be on Tuesday and Thursdays – Midday sessions will run 12:00 – 1:00, evening sessions will run 5:00 – 6:30
- Fees will be based on practice time selected. Cost listed is for 12 weeks at that day and time.
- Tuesday midday – $115
- Tuesday evening – $175
- Thursday midday – $115
- Thursday evening – $175
- Ex: If your schedule allows you to come on Tuesday evening and Thursday midday, your total fee for Winter Session Training would be $290 + Basic Club Membership
- Winter Session Training requires a pass to Oak Hill Outdoor Center. Purchase your passes here.

Spring & Summer Training
Registration opens Spring, 2025
- Roller Ski: Learn to Ski & Safety; Agility; Distance and Intensity sessions
- Runs: Long runs, trail runs/hikes, early morning runs
- Roller Ski and run race support

Ford Sayre Masters Adventure Camp!
- Summer, 2024 was the third annual Ford Sayre summer masters adventure camp! The camp provided a 3-day week-end opportunity for masters from across New England to train together combining coached roller ski sessions, ski specific dryland, and a mountain trail run/hike. Masters Adventure Camp is a separate fee and registration. Details for 2025 will be posted in the spring.