The Development & Racing program is dedicated to the teaching and improvement of proper classic and skate techniques, and emphasizes foundational skiing skills such as balance, speed, and agility, while also building fitness and having fun. The various levels of skier abilities will be accommodated by smaller groups. Skiers will be strongly encouraged to participate in local and regional races. Coaches will support skiers through races, including individual goal setting, waxing skis on race day, and cheering. Skiers and families are expected to learn to wax and maintain two sets of skis (classic and skate).
**Registration is closed for the 2024/2025 season.**
Family Night Info Session
Registration begins on October 1 each year and closes on November 1. To register your child, please use the blue “Online Registration” button to the right. We will cap our registrations based on coach availability so please register early! Late registrants must contact the Program Director to apply, will be subject to a $35 late fee, parent must volunteer on snow, and is provisional based on us meeting our coaching ratio requirement.
Program Details
- Prior Experience: Some nordic ski experience suggested but not required
- Grades: 5-8
- Program Fee: $410 plus $25 NENSA membership (New England Nordic Ski Association) (Scholarships available)
- Trail Pass: Required. Purchase through the Oak Hill Outdoor Center. Passes go on sale Oct. 1 (Discount pass information)
- Volunteer Requirement: For every child enrolled in the program, one parent/guardian must volunteer for a minimum of one volunteer session. There will be volunteer opportunities on & off snow, before, during, & after practice times, and during Ford Sayre events.
Practice Information
- November 19 to March 13
- Tuesdays and Thursdays
- November 19 through January 30 from 3:30 – 4:30
- February 4 through March 13 from 3:30 – 5:00 (more daylight!)
- There will be optional evening practice on January 28 and 30 from 5:30-6:30 – skiers will sign up for regular afternoon practice or an evening practice (more info will be emailed in January)
- No practice:
- Thanksgiving Break: November 28
- Winter Break: December 24, 26, 31, January 2
- SAU 70 February Break: February 18, 20
- Practice location is determined by snow conditions. Practice location will be e-mailed the night before practice.
- Oak Hill: 59 Oak Hill Drive, Hanover, NH; top parking lot of the Storrs Pond Recreation Area
- Garipay Fields: 9 Reservoir Rd, Hanover, NH; near the Dartmouth Rugby Fields
- These locations are within walking distance of the Ray School and Richmond Middle School.
Cancellation of Practice
Practice will be cancelled if the Dresden School District is closed, including snow days, early dismissals, and school vacations (except when noted), OR if conditions are dangerous to children or the trails (cold temperatures, unsafe or icy trail conditions, heavy rain).
- Technique: Classic and Skate
- Equipment:
- 2 separate pairs of skis
- Skate Skis
- Classic Skis – waxable or skin-skis required**
- 2 sets of poles (classic & skate lengths)
- 1 pair of Combi ski boots.
- **Note that 7th & 8th graders who are also enrolled in Friday Race Clinic are required to have waxable classic skis, as learning to wax is an important part of learning to race!
- 2 separate pairs of skis
EQUIPMENT NOTE: We require 2 pairs of skis for 5-8th grade skiers in our Development program (one pair of classic skis and one pair of skate skis). Technique-specific skis often lead to more rapid skill progression, and reduce the time needed to wax and maintain skis.
Refer to our Ski Gear Information page for more detailed information on equipment and contact the Grade 3-8 Program Head or Grade 5-8 DEVO Lead Coaches with any specific questions.
Please contact the Grade 3-8 Program Head should you have any questions about enrolling your child in BKL 5-8 nordic programs for the upcoming season.
Attendance Expectations
Each season our programs fill up to capacity. Out of respect for other skiers, we expect that participants who register will have no regularly-planned scheduling conflicts and have every intention to attend as many practices as they can. Skiers who do not attend regularly often do not advance their skiing abilities at the same pace as the group; when they do attend, they often hold the group back and draw additional coaching attention. This is unfair to participants who have been regularly attending practices.
Participant Behavior Code
We expect that Ford Sayre nordic skiers will follow coaches’ instructions, adhere to COVID risk-mitigation protocols, make an effort to stay with the ski group, not interfere with other skiers’ learning, and generally maintain a positive attitude. Should a participant not be able to follow these expectations consistently, the age group Lead Coach or BKL Head Coach will call parents to discuss. If the pattern of behavior continues, the coaches and Program Director may determine that the BKL program is not a good fit for the participant and the parent will be notified. The program reserves the right to remove any participant from the program if inappropriate behavior cannot be modified.
Refund Policy
Please note that $60 of the program fee is non-refundable. Refunds of the remaining program fee will be issued at the discretion of the Program Director. Refunds cannot be granted for sessions not attended or canceled due to weather or safety factors.

Hilary McNamee
Nordic Head Coach
Hilary hails from the most Northern reaches of Maine, where winter lasts nearly all year. Hilary began coaching with Ford Sayre in 2011, during her undergrad years at Dartmouth and later worked for four seasons as the Dartmouth Ski Team Assistant. She has a background in biathlon and attended five World Junior Championships representing USA. In her role as Ford Sayre Nordic Head Coach, she oversees all Nordic programming in addition to being the head coach for the Junior Nordic Team (JNT), Ford Sayre’s high school racing program. Her other passion in life is growing and arranging flowers. Hilary can be reached at:

Jay Davis
BKL Head Coach
Jay started skiing in Bethel, ME, in elementary school. He lives in Lyme and works with first generation and low income students at Dartmouth College, where he captained the collegiate team as an undergraduate and then coached the college team for two years after graduation. He has two kids who have loved being part of Ford Sayre skiing and racing, and he has coached all grade levels with Ford Sayre in the 21 years he has been with the program. As Head Coach for the K-8 BKL Programs, he is responsible for the organization, preparation and direction of our fabulous coaching team. Please address all coaching inquiries to Jay at

Courtney Marchetti
Grade 3-8 Program Head
Courtney is a lifelong alpine and backcountry skier who discovered the joy of xc skiing, along with her two children and husband, ten years ago while living in southern Vermont. She has since become an enthusiastic volunteer and supporter of BKL programming in numerous youth programs throughout New England. When not outside seeking out adventures with her family and friends, she runs a child psychiatry practice in White River Junction. Email Courtney at

Britton Mann
Grade 5-6 DEVO Co-Lead Coach
In the early aughts, Britton tried with middling success to teach himself to nordic ski. It was not until his daughters joined the Ford Sayre program that he realized how much room for improvement was available. He has benefited greatly from spending many hours on skis with peers and students, having a blast and occasionally going fast. In his free time, Britton is an acupuncturist and family portrait photographer, as well as photo documentarian of the Ford Sayre nordic program. You can find many of his photos on this website.

Grade 5-6 DEVO Co-Lead Coach
Bio coming soon.

Leif Johnson
Grade 7-8 DEVO Co-Lead Coach
Bio coming soon.

Aricca Van Citters
Grade 7-8 DEVO Co-Lead Coach
Bio coming soon.